martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

New winds of freedom are revolutionizing the Arab world

For weeks now underway in the Arab countries a series of popular revolts, started by young people and spread through social networks. At first called for solutions to the assessment of prices and lack of work but not finding your continued their protests, then becoming popular revolts. Several countries are already affected by these transgressions, from Tunisia to Iran, through Egypt, Algeria, Bahrain, Yemen and Libya, which has come to bomb civilians.
As mentioned above, the case of Libya is the most serious, where not happy with not listening to the people, Gaddafi also lashes out against them with the hardest imaginable. Actions to which have already expressed the U.S. and EU.
Both the EU and the U.S. seem to know the end his role in the democratic process, without seeking an active interaction, but rather to position themselves as lobbyists, to the authoritarian Arab leaders, which will eventually succumb to the demands of the people and away from power.
Gone was the idea of democratizing the world by GW Bush on the basis of invasion and imposition, very hypocritical. These "democracies" do not seek tyrannized the people but placed based on force. If only to see how the White House recognizes its true role within the democratic game and worth the change.
Do not force the people in search of a destination, if anything shows the story is that every man longs for freedom, and when it is removed, sooner or later give way to resist the oppressive hand of the dictator and sought the dream, but each town has its own rhythm, not trying to force Arab countries, but support them when they choose to do so. That moment has arrived and both the U.S. and the EU may say tomorrow that took the right position.

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